That's the start of a Led Zeppelin song called "Thank You." Good one to have in my head these days.
Today I was told about an awesome article in the Wall Street Journal about gratitude (LINK). I generally hate the themed articles around Thanksgiving or Valentine's Day or whatever but this one is about psychology studies and makes a point that I like: gratitude is better for you year-round than you realize.
I was talking with a coworker about Harry Potter today and some other coworkers thought we were a little extreme having an intense discussion about the virtue of the Cuaron-directed "Prisoner of Azkhaban" versus the Yates films (not bothering to go there with the Columbus films)...My retort was about how great it is to get involved with a set of books that are all, essentially, about hope. And that there's no such thing as having too much of that around.
Makes me wonder - are we all born with hope? Is it something that gets drained out of us through disappointments, or if we're lucky, reinforced by having a modicum of stability? I sort of feel like I was just born hopeful but what if it was something my mom whispered in my ear once when I was four? Makes me wonder how to pass that on to my son. My mom started out hopeful and idealistic but by the time I was out of elementary school that was pretty much gone. (Reminds me I should really write a "mom" tab like I did for my father...soon.)
Certainly another thing on my list - have to be it to pass it on, right?
So here's to gratitude and hope, which to me are closely related in world-view and perspective, and for this Thanksgiving season and all seasons may we be able to feel it deeply enough to meaningfully pass it on to someone we love.
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